Personal Health Clinic
Better Health starts here
AAYA’s Personal Health Clinic is the Dutch clinic for preventive health care. In the USA this is called Functional Medicine. The hospitals there, such as the Mayo Clinic, already have functional medicine clinics. The functional medicine model is a personalized, client-centered, science-based approach that enables clients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal well-being.
Health Check
With knowledge, insight and attention you can get a grip on your health. We listen, take the time and pay attention to you during the checks. We map out your ‘puzzle pieces’ and analyze your data. At AAYA we do more than just take blood samples, and this is different from other Health Checks. We have the right medical knowledge and have a broad view (360 degrees) of your health with the help of our 5 M’s (mind, motivation, motion, measurements, metabolics). Know your numbers, such as Hba1C, cholesterol and much more. Create your own benchmark, because your body ages over the years. We provide insight into – and help you increase your knowledge about – your lifestyle and current health. With simple and clear tips that are personal to you, and therefore feasible. We guide you to a healthier you!
Health Check Regular
- Two consultations with our AAYA doctor
- Measurements: waist circumference, blood pressure, visceral fat, weight, length, BMI, muscle%, fat%
- Questionnaire: medical history, family history, allergies, medication en supplements
- Biomarkers (such as kidney function, glucose, inflammation parameters, cholesterol profile
- Lifestyle questionnaires: Motivation, Mind, Motion, Metabolics
- Greenzone score
- Gezondheidsrapport met analyse en adviezen van onze leefstijlarts
Health Check Plus
- Everything from the Health Check Regular and more:
- More extensive blood work: blood count and organ functions (liver, kidney, thyroid, Pancreas), vitamine D, vitamine B12
- Hearing test
- Urine test
- Lung function test
- Microbiome screening
- 7 day lifestyle diary
- Extra possibilities (not included): hormones, extra vitamines and minerals, 14 day glucose, extensive microbiome testing, food intolerance tests, Nutrigen DNA test
Health Check Bio
- Intake with our AAYA doctor (medical history, symptoms/complaints, medication and supplements, family history)
- Extensive AAYA questionnaire to gain more insight in your lifestyle, sleep and living habits (Motivation, Mind, Motion, Metabolics)
- Measurements (o.a. blood pressure, pulse, fat percentage, muscle mass, visceral fat)
- Blood work (such as kidney function, inflammation parameters, glucose, cholesterol profile)
- Biological age analysis (blood work and questionnaire)
- Results consultation with our AAYA doctor
- Personalized report with all data and customized advice: personalized medicine
Personal Health Coaching
Get on the healthy and right path to your dream weight with our Personal Health Coaching program. Athletes have a team around them to bring them in their best physical shape. We want that too! The willpower is there, but it is still very difficult to go through a change alone. What works for you and your body? With or without carbohydrates? How many calories? Strength and cardio training or is there another option to get in shape? At AAYA you will receive personal, medical guidance tailored to you. Data driven with personal advice that suits you. So that that healthy change is also feasible and lasting. Because only then does it works.
It all start with an intake consultation. You will fill out questionnaires, we will take blood samples, we will do various biometric measurements and we will make a personal plan that you can also maintain and is feasible. Every week you will have contact with your doctor and team. After these 3 months, you can decide together with your doctor to extend this for another 3 months, switch to the Personal Health Coaching Light Program or continue independently. Because sustainable lifestyle changes take time, our programs last at least 3 months. If you want to lose weight with a medical injection, this is possible -on indication- with the Personal Health Coaching Program.
Personal Health Coaching Program 12 weeks: 899 euro
Personal Health Coaching Light Program 12 weeks: 349 euro

You are experiencing complaints or symptoms and have already tried a few things, but unfortunately you are not able to get rid of your complaints. We can help you. After all, we can prevent up to 70% of all conditions and complaints through a healthy lifestyle. But how do you achieve that? And how do you know what is healthy for you and what is not? We offer you extensive insight into your current health with medical knowledge, personal attention and the latest medical technological innovations. We guide and support you where necessary and work together towards optimal health. Our doctors and specialists provide insight into your health and complaints and answer your questions. We take the time. Working on your health with a good feeling.

Complaints such as a disappearing waistline, constantly trying not to eat too much, gaining a kilo every year, high blood pressure and sometimes even diabetes type 2? Do you recognize yourself in one of these complaints? Then you are probably already aware of the standard rule for losing weight: eat healthier and exercise enough. The basis for healthy weight loss is a healthy lifestyle. We all know that. And we help with that by looking at your current lifestyle together. With monthly guidance and Easy Health Steps from our doctor, you will get a better grip on your weight and development a healthier lifestyle. Medical weight loss with injections can also be started on indication. Curious about how you can lose weight permanently? We are happy to help you on your way! Check our Personal Health Coaching Programs.
Whether you are struggling with worrying thoughts, unhealthy habits, work-related problems or relationship issues, our AAYA psychologist, Ilonka Hanneman, is here to support you. Her proposal is to use an approach that resembles the dentist model, but then for psychological care: regular check-ups with a psychologist, for example once every six months. If everything seems to be fine, we will simply see each other again in six months. But if something needs attention, we will make a follow-up appointment. In this way, we can face life optimally. People seek help for various reasons: worrying, addiction, self-image issues, depression, trauma, ADHD, relationship problems and many more. If you have another question, you can always contact us. Ilonka is specialized in EMDR Therapy. Want to know more? Schedule an appointment online or email for more options. Please note: If you urgently need help, contact your GP!
The art of keeping your treatment affordable